Welcome to NSPRA Connect, an online community forum that allows association members to connect with and learn from one another, share ideas and resources, and provide counsel through a robust discussion forum. Access is available to NSPRA members only. More than 2,900 school communication professionals across the United States and Canada have access to NSPRA Connect.
Please take a moment to review the forum's Terms & Conditions, which include the following:
- Be courteous. Ask participants for permission to republish or share their words elsewhere/outside this forum (especially if elsewhere would be a publicly viewable setting).
- Adhere to the NSPRA Code in Ethics, particularly: Be guided constantly by pursuit of the public interest through truth, accuracy, good taste and fairness; follow good judgment in releasing information; not intentionally disseminate misinformation or confidential data; avoid actions which lessen personal, professional or organizational reputation.
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